"She loved the smell of wet dirt the way others might love the smell of roses" Dawn Hewitt
Emeritus Members

Keith Bassar
I took a pottery class many years ago and it was love at first sight. Some of my favorite pieces are the simplest - a teacup or coffee mug, a small bowl for a small taste of something.
At the other end of the spectrum you can make the most intricate and fanciful vase or sculptural piece. The beauty of pottery is that you can touch it; you can use it.

Eldon Clark – Founding Member
Interest in clay followed me through long periods of military service and university teaching, research and administration. The formal design aspects of shape, the interaction of positive and negative space, and the placement of attachments along with surface treatments to form the visual image are of particular interest to me in the art making process.

Kay Fitzgerald – Founding Member
My journey with clay began as a student at the Ann Arbor Potters Guild—a friend who said "You have to do this!!" I did, and I was hooked. When I moved to East Lansing in the mid-60s, the time seemed to be right to create a potters guild. In 1969, with much help from Lou Raynor, head of MSU's clay program, the Greater Lansing Potters Guild was born. Forty years later in 2009, eight of the 28 charter members are still active.It's been a wonderful trip!

Monique Jost
Growing up in Switzerland, I had my hands in clay from the time I was 12 years old. Throughout my life, even while raising a family and working various jobs, I've always managed to have my hands in clay. My work is mostly stoneware, wheel thrown, some slab. I love to decorate with the brush, mostly in blue tones like the sky and beautiful Lake Michigan.

Judy Labovitz
For me, making pots is fun, creative and challenging; it's always a surprise to see the next kiln load. I hope folks enjoy using my pots as much as I enjoy making them.

Deb Oliva
Finally able to indulge a long standing fascination with clay, I began taking classes at the Potters' Guild in 1988 and became a member three years later. I enjoy making utilitarian pots and vessel forms of porcelain fired in a reduction atmosphere. In my work it is my intention to celebrate the special qualities of objects made by hand and explore and exploit the curiosities of the clay/glaze/firing relationship.

Tina Oxer
After three trips to Japan with my husband in the 90's, my work was influenced by the Japanese technique of Raku. Raku provides the perfect finish for the jewelry and small sculptures that I enjoy designing.

Jerry Reid
Clay is my favorite connection with nature and with people. To capture the feel and movement of the natural world, to touch, and to share with others is my goal and my pleasure.

Joan Richards
Clay has been my favorite art medium since I was a small child making little ‘Indian’ pots from clay pulled from the banks of the White River. The wonderful part of clay making, for me, is in the endless opportunities for variety (and sometimes surprises) of shapes, textures and glazes. Creating fine shapes has always been my primary goal in throwing pots. I am now experimenting with carving surfaces and altering rims. I love the Potters Guild!

Nancy Rinek
After working with clay now for 35 years, I am still most interested in functional pieces that are primarily stoneware and thrown on the wheel. I'm intrigued with altering the shapes made on the wheel, and enjoy the addition of details such as handles and feet that can accentuate the form and add uniqueness. My greatest inspiration comes from the sharing of ideas, and the sense of community I have found in the Potters' Guild.

Maureen Ryan
I am an eclectic artist working in many mediums, including clay, watermedia, printmaking and collage. I enjoy the challenge of translating an idea from one medium to another.Clay is my favorite medium, and I use it to make pots, masks, sculpture, and sometimes a combination thereof. I find textures fascinating. I love to collaborate with clay, glaze, fire, and the uncertainty of Raku. I especially like to make pieces that make me smile or even laugh out loud.